Photo: Refugee.Info Italy/Mohamed Keita
What is the permit receipt?
The residence permit receipt (‘Ricevuta del permesso di soggiorno’ in Italian) is a very important document that proves you are not irregular in the country, while waiting for the renewal or conversion or the first release of the residence permit. It is an official and legally recognized document in Italian territory. It shows that you have officially applied for a residence permit (‘Permesso di soggiorno’ in Italian) or its renewal or conversion.
Be careful not to lose it and keep it carefully!
What are the types of permit receipts?
Receipt issued by the Poste Italiane (Ricevuta dell’assicurata postale):
If you use the yellow 'postal kit' to submit your new permit request / renewal / conversion, you'll be issued with a legally recognised receipt at the post office. On the receipt, there’s the code (user ID and Password) which allows you to check the progress status of the permit on the Portale Immigrazione website as well as the appointment date to be fingerprinted and photographed at the competent Questura.
The receipt issued by Questura (‘cedolino’ in Italian):
You’ll receive this permit receipt when you apply for the issuing of the original residence permit (card or paper format) directly in Questura. The receipt has a univocal identification number, which allows you to monitor the state of the residence permit process on the Polizia di Stato website.
The permit application receipt issued by Questura (Modulo 209 cartaceo):
When you apply for asylum or a new permit in Questura and your fingerprints and photos have been taken, you’ll receive this type of permit receipt.
To learn more on how to use the permit receipt to check the status and progress of your permesso di soggiorno online, click here!
Does the permit receipt expire?
No! The receipt of the permit does not have an expiry date on it, so it does not expire. It remains valid until the original permit is ready for collection. In order to collect the original permit, you must submit the receipt to the competent Questura when you get the notice for collection. The actual residence permit (in paper or card format) which will replace the receipt will have an issue and expiry date on it.
It is very important not to lose this receipt!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to always check the status of your permit on the Polizia di Stato website as well as directly in Questura to know when it will be ready for collection. Because if you fail to collect the original permit, after some time Questura will cancel it (‘Permesso archiviato per mancata ritiro’ in Italian).
What are my rights as a holder of the permit receipt?
As the process of issuing the permesso di soggiorno may take time due to complex administrative procedures, according to Italian law, while waiting for the renewal or conversion or the first release of the residence permit, you can continue to enjoy full rights and legitimacy related to the permit if you are in possession of the application receipt. For instance, you have the possibility to:
- Work in Italy - Even if your current permesso is expired, the renewal / conversion receipt allows you to continue to carry out work activities and/or draft a new employment contract;
- Travel - Move freely within the Italian territory; Visit your home country directly and return to Italy without transit in other Schengen countries (those with international protection cannot visit their home country);
- Register with the registry office of your local comune, which gives you the right to get a carta d’identità;
- Access and register with the Italian healthcare system (SSN);
- Open a basic bank account (‘Conto corrente di base’ in Italian);
- Apply for Nulla Osta for family reunification;
- Apply for the Italian driving license;
- Enroll in school;
- Access the Italian welfare system, depending on which benefit you seek;
- Access to public services and many more.
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